Teaching & Learning


We have an extensive senior school program with a breadth of VCE studies including over 30 subject offerings, as well as a range of language studies that students are able to incorporate into their program. Our students also have access to the Vocational Major pathway (formerly VCAL) where they can pursue a Vocational pathway, accessing TAFE courses and School Based Apprenticeships.

VCE Pathways

There are 3 main ways to study Year 11 and 12 in Victoria:

Vocational Education Training (VET) can be included in your VCE, VCE VM or VPC. VET is specific industry learning. The skills you learn in VET can be applied in the workplace or as you keep studying towards a trade or qualification. Depending on the VET course, you’ll either study at your school or at a nearby TAFE/training provider.

Click here to compare the VCE, VCE Vocational Major and Victoria Pathways Certificate.

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is Victoria’s senior secondary qualification. It opens pathways to university, higher-level TAFE or VET certificate courses, apprenticeships, traineeships and the workforce. Upon successfully completing this pathway, students will be eligible to receive an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking).


  • VCE English Study (four options)
  • VCE Maths Study (Year 11)
  • VCE Study
  • VCE Study
  • VCE Study
  • VCE Study
    (this may include a VET subject)

Future Pathways

  • University entrance
  • TAFE studies
  • Apprenticeship
  • Traineeship
  • Employment

VCE Subject Offerings

  • Algorithmics (offsite)
  • Applied Computing
  • Art Making and Exhibiting
  • Australian and Global Politics
  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • English or English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • English Language
  • (English) Literature
  • Extended Investigation (offsite)
  • Food Studies
  • Geography
  • Health and Human Development
  • History – Modern/Revolutions
  • Languages - French
  • Languages - Japanese
  • Languages - other
  • Legal Studies
  • Mathematics - Foundation
  • Mathematics - General
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Mathematics - Specialist
  • Media
  • Music
  • Outdoor and Environmental Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Product Design and Technology
  • Psychology
  • Systems Engineering
  • Theatre Studies
  • Visual Communication Design

VCE Vocational Major


The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. Students will develop academic and work-related skills, knowledge and confidence. It will prepare students for work and further education and training. Upon successfully completing this pathway, students will graduate with the Victorian Certificate of Education, with the additional words 'Vocational Major'.


  • VCE Literacy
  • VCE Numeracy
  • VCE Personal Development Skills
  • VCE Work Related Skills
  • VET – Vocational Education & Training
  • Structured Workplace Learning

Future Pathways

  • TAFE studies
  • Apprenticeship
  • Traineeship
  • Employment
  • University Entry (alternate pathway)
Discover More

The VCE's new Vocational Major

Creating worlds where passions can be explored

The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. Students complete a high-quality curriculum and work toward completing a VET qualification while finishing school.

This means VCE Vocational Major students gain real-world skills and knowledge, so they can land jobs in Australia’s most in-demand industries.

Whether they’re into music production, hospitality or agriculture, VCE Vocational Major students finish school with an employability edge, ready to take on work, life and more study.

The Victorian Pathways Certificate is a new flexible Year 11 and 12 course designed for the small number of students who, for a range of reasons, are not able or ready to undertake the VCE or the VCE Vocational Major in schools.

Teachers and career counsellors are available to answer questions, and to support students as they make decisions about their final years at school.

For more information, go to vic.gov.au/VCE

VCE Policies Booklet

VCE Policies Booklet

2024 Senior Curriculum Handbook

2024 Senior Curriculum Handbook

Our goal is to support students in the discovery and pursuit of individual passions enabling them to flourish personally and academically; this is underpinned by our vision for Teaching and Learning and supported by our Course and Career Counselling and the Beyond program.