
Our Staff

Every member of our staff contributes to the rich tapestry of learning. Our dedicated team of educators and staff, each brings their unique expertise and enthusiasm to nurture the growth and success of our students. With a shared commitment to excellence and fostering a supportive environment, we empower every member of our school community to thrive academically, socially and personally.

Get to Know Our Staff Through Student Interviews

2025 Staff

Principal Team

Debby ChavesPrincipal
Peter BartlettAssistant Principal
Deb KirkAssistant Principal
Sarah KeatingAssistant Principal
Sean LeithActing Assistant Principal

Administration Team

Justine MacDonaldBusiness Manager
Nelmarie ElsPrincipal's EA & Enrolments
Shannon HewlettPR & Communications
Narelle TurnerReceptionist
Jaime CliffeAccounts Receivable/Family Payments
Caroline FotheringhamAccounts Payable
Lynsey JaneFirst Aid & Junior School Attendance
Jody McCarthyVASS & VET Coordinator, Senior School Attendance & Careers Support
Tara MoranDaily Organiser
Aleisha KinrossTimetabler

Wellbeing Team

Dilek YucelHead of Wellbeing
Rachel FelminghamMental Health Practitioner
Tara CoatesSocial Worker
Elin KimCounsellor

Grounds & Maintenance Team

Martin WalkerGroundskeeper
Facilities & Maintenance

IT Team

Sak FainuIT Manager
Sebastian BalbiIT Manager
Giovanni CastilloIT Technician

Teaching Team


Learning Area

Other Roles

Chris Ardi

Communicate & Relate

Learning Specialist - Student Voice & Agency and Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Karlie Arnold


Ruby Aust

Healthy Lifestyles

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Sarah Baeffel

Mathematics & BEST 

Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Campbell Barnard-Green


Learning Area Coordinator - Mathematics and Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Lena Bartle-Smith

Create Visual & Technologies

Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Caitlyn BayleyMathematics & Healthy LifestylesYear 11 GOAL Mentor

Aimee Blackman


Melissa Casley

Our World

Learning Specialist - High Abilities and Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Thomas Chesters

Healthy Lifestyles

Head of House Southern - Year 7 & 10 and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Brendan Cian

Communicate & Relate

Learning Area Coordinator - Communicate & Relate, Writing for the Future and Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Adrian Cirillo

Healthy Lifestyles 

Leading Teacher, Head of House Beckett - Year 9 & 12 and Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Jo Cole

BEST & Mathematics

Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Jack Crameri


Careers & Pathways Coordinator

Kylie De NieseCreate PerformanceYear 9 GOAL Mentor

Travis De Valle

Communicate & Relate & Create Visual

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Guillaume Degraeve


Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Jasmine Delaney

BEST & Technologies

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Luke Delecca

Communicate & Relate 

Cameron Dickie

Healthy Lifestyles

Head of House Beckett - Year 8 & 11 and Year 8 GOAL Mentor

David DongMathematics

Carly Doyle


Learning Area Coordinator - BEST and Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Hanna Drakos


Leading Teacher and Head of House Waratah - Year 8 & 11

Alana Durham

Healthy Lifestyles & Our World

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Timeka Eales

Communicate & Relate & Our World

Inclusions Co-ordinator and Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Gemma Eastwood


Andy Farrow

Healthy Lifestyles

Careers Adviser & VET/SWL Coordinator

Jemma Ford

Mathematics & Our World

Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Jasmyn Gilbert


Learning Area Coordinator - Technologies

Sonali Green

Communicate & Relate

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Alexander Hagemeyer

Mathematics & BEST

Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Simone Hamlett

Communicate & Relate

James Hooper

Communicate & Relate & Our World

Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Cameron Hughes

Communicate & Relate & Our World

Head of House Southern - Year 8 & 11 and Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Madeleine Hunter-Smith


Leading Teacher - Engagement & Micro-credentials and Year 12 GOAL Mentor 

Zoe Irvine

Create Visual

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Amanda JacobsBESTLeading Teacher - Curriculum & Pedagogy and Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Tim Jones

Mathematics & Healthy Lifestyles

Lionel KatzMathematics
Ella KeatingCreate Visual & Our World

Philip Kehoe

Our World 

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Nicole Lee

Communicate & Relate & Our World

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Tim Lee

Mathematics & BEST

Mary Claire Leith

Healthy Lifestyles

Head of House Ricketts - Year 7 & 10 and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Kar Mun Leong


Thomas MacDonald

Our World

Learning Area Coordinator - VM/VPC and Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Dawn MacGregor

Create Visual

Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Geoff MartinMathematicsHead of House Waratah - Year 9 & 12 and Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Stephanie Martin

Healthy Lifestyles

Careers & Pathways Coordinator

Joel McKee

Healthy Lifestyles

Leading Teacher, Head of House Southern- Year 7 & 10 and Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Riley Moloney

Communicate & Relate

Head of House Beckett - Year 7 & 10 and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Carly Moore


Niamh Murphy

Our World

Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Meagan Neil

Technologies & Our World

Learning Area Coordinator - Our World and Y11 GOAL Mentor

Emily O'Keefe

Create Visual

Learning Area Coordinator - Create 

Charlotte O'Malley


Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Fernando Pablo

Create Visual & Communicate & Relate & Languages (French)

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Lucca ParkinsonOur World & Communicate & Relate
Kyle PintoOur World & Healthy LifestylesDirector of Sport and Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Rory Plant

BEST & Mathematics

Intermediate & Senior Sport Co-ordinator and Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Rachel Price

Our World & Create Performance

Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Hannah Radford

Healthy Lifestyles & Technologies

Head of House Ricketts - Year 9 & 12 

Tristan Ross-Brewin

Communicate & Relate & Our World

Chelsea Salahoras

Communicate & Relate

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Camilla Saunders

Create Performance

Head of House Waratah - Year 7 & 10, Year 7 GOAL Mentor and Instrumental Music Coordinator

Hamish Scully

Our World 

Leading Teacher, Head of House Ricketts - Year 8 & 11

Stephen Seddon


Learning Specialist - Formative & PBL, Compass Assessment & Reporting and Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Joshua Slocum

Create Visual & Communicate & Relate

Learning Specialist - Data and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Mat Sweetlove

Communicate & Relate

Year 12 GOAL Mentor

Heath TregearMathematics & Our WorldLeading Teacher - VCE Studies and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Sam Trevethan

Mathematics & Healthy Lifestyles

Year 7 & 8 Sport Co-ordinator & Year 8 GOAL Mentor

Tom Verez

Mathematics & BEST

Year 10 GOAL Mentor

Liam Walsh

Healthy Lifestyles

Learning Area Coordinator - Healthy Lifestyles and Year 7 GOAL Mentor

Phoebe Wardlaw

Languages (French)

Learning Area Coordinator - Languages and Year 12 GOAL

Harrison Whelan


Year 11 GOAL Mentor

Maiko Yamane

Languages (Japanese)

Year 9 GOAL Mentor

Education Support Team

Madison BurgessLearning Support
Jarrod ClarkeLearning Support
Lynda CraneLearning Support
Robyn DurhamLearning Support
Zuzana GowerLearning Support
Rory HannafordLearning Support
Natasha BurgessLaboratory Technician
Angela BellFood Tech Assistant
Tricia McKeanFood Tech Assistant
Niamh McPhelimyLibrary Manager