
Schoolwide Positive Behaviours

We are proud to foster a student management model built on a foundation of trust, respect and understanding. Our approach to positive behaviour aligns with our CORE values – Curiosity, Optimism, Respect and Excellence.

We prioritise student engagement, regular attendance, and positive behaviours through respectful relationships, whole school and classroom practices, including:

Consistent and Fair Environments

We believe in establishing consistent, fair and democratic classrooms and school environments that promote a sense of belonging and security for every student.

Personalised Learning Programs

Recognising the unique needs of each student, we provide personalised learning programs where appropriate, ensuring that every individual receives tailored support for their educational journey.

Empowering Students

Our commitment to student empowerment is reflected in creating multiple opportunities for students to take responsibility and be actively involved in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership in their education.

Positive Physical Environments

We design physical environments that are conducive to positive behaviours and effective engagement in learning. These spaces are thoughtfully crafted to inspire collaboration, creativity and a sense of community.

Zero Tolerance for Bullying

Beaumaris Secondary College maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bullying. In cases of misconduct, consequences will be applied proportionately, upholding procedural fairness. Our aim is not only to respond to the incident but to ensure the best long-term outcomes for all individuals involved.

We believe that by instilling a culture of trust, respect, and understanding, we create an environment that nurtures not only academic excellence but also the holistic development of our students. Through this positive behaviour model, we strive to cultivate responsible, compassionate, and engaged individuals who contribute positively to our school community and beyond.