All students enrolled in government primary schools go through the DET Transition process when they are in Year 6. Families will receive a ‘Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information Pack’ from their primary school in Term 2. Year 7 placements are determined by secondary schools and your primary school will notify you of your child’s Year 7 placement offer in Term 3.
Some non-government (Catholic, Independent and Home Schooling) primary schools manage the placement process on behalf of families. Where this is not the case, you must submit your application directly to the college to commence the placement process.
Enrolment forms will be sent out (by the college) in Term 3 to those who have been offered a place.
In line with DET policy, any queries regarding the transition process should be directed to your primary school. Secondary colleges are only able to communicate with parents once placements have been confirmed by the primary schools (Term 3).
Phone: (03) 8569 9200